Monday, September 08, 2008

origins of life

This is big bang

number one is easy to know what are they say about. There is many life without around us. This website has a theories. They most commonly accepted theory is the evolution. THere is a big bang then born the life.

two is a videos of origins of life. This videos I don't konw what is he doing.I think they are doing to make life or they are say aboutwhat and what things together and what happened.

number three it's diffcult to konw, but Ikonw why mars can't live human.

The mars environment like earth, but there is not many oxygen. carbon dioxide has about 95%is carbon dioxide, and no water. Have some ice, but it is to cold.


The stange eye of Danny said...

your picture's
caption is so...
short.I don't
know what is the
scientist taliking

Cindy said...

your phopo is ......

Savant English School said...

This is okay work. You didn't visit the fourth site, though. You also didn't do as well with photos and captions this time. So so...