Monday, April 27, 2009
This site is about slavery. I read first paragarph. Slaves like a "thing". They are under the pepople, or goverment. Men and women slaves that Rome is not their own land than they often be a slaves. Many this kind of work in farms.
This site is about poor people house.If you are poor in Rome, you lived in normal flats or apartments.

This site is about Slaves. They were the people lost in war or battle. And Roman catch some of them to be a slave. IN Rome, Their father can seel their older child if they were in need of money.
They bought slave in market. Young males can sell alot of money. If you were a slave. You will be slave for ever.

2.hallway of Rome house.
3.Slaves tend the hair of their mistress.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Rich and Nobles of ancient Rome
This site is about rich people in Rome their food and how they eat. I read the first paragraph. THere isn't many rich Romans. Some of them were very rich. They want to show how rich are they. They have many slave cooks make very fancy dinner. They invite their friends to eat together in their fancy diningroom.
This site is about houses in Rome between rich and poor. If you were rich, that many examples of Roman houses exist throughout the Roman Empire now. THe poor people in Rome, lived in simple flats or apartments the inside of places showed your of wealth.

This site is about Roman's entertainment. I read all site. All the Romans in Rome are lively. THey often watch the plays. There are theater everywhere in Rome. The small theater even can contain 7,000 of people. IN the evening, rich Romans light oil lamps and enjoyed evening or they invite friend have dinner party together.
1.Rome temple
2.Rich Roman's house hallway
3.Rome theater

Monday, April 13, 2009

The begining of Rome
I read all of them.
This site is about two men who made the Rome. We don't it is real or not. The ancient Romans likes to listen their stories. Rhea was married with Mars, that who was Roman war god. Rhea has two sons, but there were plots afoot by other gods and goddesses to hurt her father, herself, her husband, and her children. She puts her sons adrift on the river. A wolf find them and fed them. Then a shepherd and his wife
find them and take them when the wolf out side. They grow up, they want to be kings. They build a city. They want to be the only king and they wanted the country's name is their own name. So they fight. Romulus picked up a rock, and killed his brother.
I read two paragarph of first three line.
This site is about Their houses. The lower Romans lived in apartment houses, call flats. They often build close to their shops. In the apartment houses an entire family often all live in one room.
The upper Romans lived very differently. Their homes were single family homes. Their house is made very different. Bick madewith red tile roofs. rich Romans often has office, kitchen, dining room, garden, toilet, and private bath. They have toilet was amzaed.
Pompeii was an ancient Roman city, buried by volcanic eruption. 2000 years later, archaeologists uncovered the city. The people in ancient Pompeii didn't have chance to run. We find out their city. Their fountain can use when we find out. It is amzed.
1.Romulus and Remus when the wolf fed them.
2.Rome's building.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Look at the last post. Not this one.
This site has answer many questions about early Americans. I read three of them. The first Americans is across the ice linked the Siberia to Alaska during the last Ice Age. More and more people came. About 8000 BC there were people in every part of Americas. The first Americans were fishermen, hunters, or gatherers. They give there God blood or food. They sacrifice animals and young people for God.
I read the post in this site. In the first paragraph. Can see the first Americans are hunters a lot. A lot of years, the ice melt. They can't go back, but they still found out the road go home by boat. A lot of years, more people went to the great northwest, in Canada and Americas. They are good farmers, and they are good makers, too.
The last site I find. This site has good picture. It is cool. I read only a little part. I learn:One of the most important debate in American archaeology centers are to explaining the first people to enter the Americas and learn about them. Some of the archaeologists argue about that Clovis represent the originate population of the New World.

1. The First Americans
2. The First Americans
3.The First Americans and their house