Saturday, May 26, 2007

The War of Fire

Once there a world name’s Syreda. That world only had two village. One was named Tir chonail, Tir chonail village head was Walter, He had a white beard and white hair, He was 60 years old. He live with Stewart, because Stewart father and mother had died, Stewart was very thin and short with short brown hair and glasses, in school a bully always hit him took his things. He didn’t have any friend; so he only could play with his dog Labu, Labu was a very stupid dog, but he could run very fast. He could run for a long time, too. Labu liked to play with Stewart. Every day, Stewart would go home, finish his homework and play with his dog Labu.
Stewart liked to use magic, He always used magic to frighten people at night, because he was very bored, when he was only 8 years old he tried to over throw a villain, Moges. Like his Father and Mother, he could use magic since he was born when he was only 5 years old, his father and mother died a war.
Moges was very tall, about 20m. He liked very hot days. Of course he hated cold days so he hated water. He made all the water evaporate, and every one hated him. The people sealed him in the desert, so he could make any more water evaporate. He had many subord in ates, though they were ghosts. Every one in the village called they: Ghosts Soldiers. They didn’t need to sleep, and wme black suits.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The War of Fire

Part1 Friends
The village head, Walter, dispatched Stewart to bring down the fire giant and when he was ready, he took his dog and left the city, Walter said goodbye to him, He came to a forest. Everyone called this forest the ”Black Forest”, because in side of forest there were many black things. At night, there were many terriers wild animal. In this forest, there was only one thing that wasn’t evil. It was a river. This river was very unusual, because it had seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple and indigo. Everybody called it Rain bow River, It was beautiful but dangerous, the water was corrosives, and stronger than acid, few people had ever crossed over this river, It was hearty impossible, Stewart remembered what Walter had taught him about the river, He come to a big plain, It was very beautiful, suddenly there was a voice close to him. He was very afraid. Then, an arrow snot past him. Stewart used magic to avoid the arrow. A man jumped out and asked him, ”Who are you?”
Stewart answered him” I’m Stewart; I’m going to bring down the Fire Giant. Are you also an enemy of the Fire Giant?”
“Yes” answered the man ”I’m Cranites, I’ve come from the Elf Village head sent me.”
“This is my dog Labu, he is very stupid.”
“Yes, I can see. He looks stupid” Said Cranites.
Then they walked across the plain, Stewart saw something transparent ahead, He asked Cranites, if he saw it too, Cranites said, ”They are ghost soldiers-Fire Giant’s subordinates, we need to be careful them” He pulled steward behind some rocks to hide saw them. They ran away, but the ghost soldiers chased them, Stewart used magic to make them become invisible. They ran and run in to the desert.
Part 3 At last
They ran into a big cave. They decided to stay there one night and find the giant borrow. When they were ready to sleep, they heard a snoring sound. They slowly walked to warred nowhere sound was coming from. As the were walking there someone hit them. It was the fire giant: Moges, the fire giant threw a fireball at them .It almost knocked Stewart to the floor. The fire was burning Stewart watched it and shiver. It had been a close call they ran out of the cave.
They go into the dig cave again. This time, they fright with fire giant and ghost soldiers too. Stewart bring down the ghost soldier with just a little effort, but there are so many, He can only use magic to make them invisible in order to avoid the ghost soldiers, At last, they find the Fire Giant;Moges, Moges says ”You think you can bring down me, ha! Ha! Ha! Never!”
He uses a big fire hammer to hit them, Stewart uses ice magic to hit him, Cranites uses ice arrows to hit. The giant collapses. Then he stands back up and fights again, they use the rain bow river water, splashing on it the Fire Giant, the Fire Giant finally collapses, he has used the last of his power. He use fire to explode, and they all died. All the water comes back, to the land the people dig a grave and bury Stewart and Cranites neon the Rain bow River.