Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Leonardo's inventions

This machine is the first ever known Helicopter design. It uses a aero-dynamic screw which has only previously been applied to a kids' toy from Asia. This design show how much Leonardo loved the shape of screw and spiral, which has every kind of engineering applications.

This machine looks like the glider we have today. The main reason to create is to achieve flight. This is the first plane design capable to flight. If this design became an established machine in his day, it would have led in the development of aviation in general. He might become weathlier than Michelangelo

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Renaissance harmony and beauty

"The Last Judgement"
by Michelangelo Buonarroti
This painting is on the wall of a church. The painting has three parts. The middle is Jesus. And his right hand is the higher of the two hands. It means the people in right can go to heaven. And the left hand is lower. It means the people in the left side are going to go to hell. The painting is about Jesus told his adherents, in future. There will be a judgement. It will separate good and bad people. The good people will be in the heaven. And the bad people will go to hell. Michelangelo painted himself in the Jesus hand.

"The School of Athens"
by Raphael Santi
1509 ~ 1510
In this big painting, he painted many philosophers and thinkers in it. Fifty philosophers, artists, scientists of ancient Greece and Rome are in there. Like Archimedes, Ptolemy, Michelangelo... and he also paint himself in side.