Friday, October 03, 2008

Hunter and Gatherers

This website is about past hunting. In the past there is two kinds of hunting. THe oldest one is to take the dead bodies of animals. Aother hunting way, is to catch with weapons or nets. Like the people put the birdlime on the dranches, and put the things that the birds likes to eat. When they stick on it, they will go and catch it.
others little animals put nets to catch. When the people use more stronger weapons. They started to catch the animals with sports. I only see the first part in this site.

Is about gathering in the past. In the middle stone age, people start to gatherers fruits likes apples. Around 10000 BC the people start to farming.

Weapon history is begin in the stone age with flint knivess, Axes and lances. A early weapon is "stone axes".

1.This is the human fight with lion.
2.This is the people is gtherers.
3.This is Axe


toast said...

i like your blog but part 3 is short ....

The stange eye of Danny said...

The human can't make
the axe like that at
that time.It is too
difficult to them.

JUDY said...

it is cool ., but number 3 is babye to short and wrong it is a stone axe ., is not a axe to choph the tree.

Savant English School said...

Not bad. You didn't seem to spend a lot of time on the last page, though it seems to me to be the coolest one. Not bad blogging, though. Keep up the good work!