Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Offircial website

This website is mabinogi offircial website. I often play this game, it is online game. This website is America mabinogi offircial website, in the Amrical just start to open this game, version only on the G1. Taiwan get to G7.
In this game, you can buy things in the website or in the game, can buy count and buy some thing in the game, like pets, special liquid medicine, gacha to turn clothes, weapon and other things. now the America isn't opening the shopping.
this game special place is it fight mold is very special, it diffcult to the
new hands, and it has many kind of life skills, and the most special in the life skills is render, make score, and choir.
If you technology is good, even you don't have high skills rank. when you proficiency in this game you will love this game.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

It looks cool from the website. I wonder if it will take off in America. Anyway, you did a good job on the homework and I can tell taht you looked through teh webiste and gave some good information about it!