Monday, June 01, 2009

Native American Religion
I look at the picture in secend site, it is magnificent.

Medicine wheel is built by natives of North America they use stone. They made it for spiritual and ritual purposes. They often appear in Alberta, Canada. Some of them are large. can big to 75 feet. Some of the Medicine wheel are still there.

1.Aztec warrior
I didn't read a lot. Almost read in the Religion.
They believe sun GOd and war god, Huitzilopochtl. He make them to found the site has an eagle.
Another very important god of the Aztec was Tlaloc, the god of rain. This God is coequal with Huitzilopochtl. And they have another God, mother goddess Tonantzin, but this paragraph I don't understand what it means.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

This is done very well. You followed instructins properly. You only forgot to add a picture/caption for the second site. Otherwise, this is ok.