Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Look at the last post. Not this one.
This site has answer many questions about early Americans. I read three of them. The first Americans is across the ice linked the Siberia to Alaska during the last Ice Age. More and more people came. About 8000 BC there were people in every part of Americas. The first Americans were fishermen, hunters, or gatherers. They give there God blood or food. They sacrifice animals and young people for God.
I read the post in this site. In the first paragraph. Can see the first Americans are hunters a lot. A lot of years, the ice melt. They can't go back, but they still found out the road go home by boat. A lot of years, more people went to the great northwest, in Canada and Americas. They are good farmers, and they are good makers, too.
The last site I find. This site has good picture. It is cool. I read only a little part. I learn:One of the most important debate in American archaeology centers are to explaining the first people to enter the Americas and learn about them. Some of the archaeologists argue about that Clovis represent the originate population of the New World.

1. The First Americans
2. The First Americans
3.The First Americans and their house

1 comment:

The stange eye of Danny said...

What are you writing about I
can't understand. Which one
is this tome's blog.