Monday, February 23, 2009

Ancient Assyria
This time I read alot. I learn:West Asia is also call Near East. A part of Asian near to the Mediterranean. There are many countries in there. Like Turkestan, Afghanistan, the Persian Gulf. it was the first places farmed and live in a town, and had kings and built cities. After the Sumerians, many grounps of people take the power in Weat Asia like Assyrians and Persians.
I look the pictures. Many pictures on the wall. I learn :
Assyrians around 2300BC, when Sargon of Akkad invad their small kingdom to the north. After 2000BC, when Assur became the collapsing 3rd Dynasty of Ur, the Assyrians became a well-known trader, who travell with between Assur and southern Turkey with donkeys.
This time Iread the first part, because it is many. I learn: Assyria is on the Upper the Tigris river. The named in original capital, the city of Ashshur.

1.Map about West Asian
2.Sargon of Akked
3.Desert in Iraq


Tina said...

I think yours are good,because the picture you have let we now a lot that what maen.Therefore,it is good.

Savant English School said...

Better than last week, definitely. You seem to have read more and you included all the aspects of the assignment. You are really getting the hang of this. Keep up the good work.